What is success? Here in the United States success normally has measurable markers. In sales we measure success by comparing the number of units sold with similar data from an earlier time. In academia we measure success using a score of 0-100 supplies by a teacher who either gives a subjective rating or reports the result of exams. In the church we often measure success by the number of seats filled, how many baptisms are performed, membership roles and budgets.
Bill Fay, in Share Jesus Without Fear, presents an idea that is difficult to digest. Can we be successful in evangelism without measurable data? Fay believes we can be successful regardless of the result because we have been obedient and faithful when we dare share. His presentation is encouraging for the Christian who has felt like a failure.
I agree with him. When we put evangelism in its proper perspective, we see that we cannot remain quiet but are to offer an answer for the hope within us with gentleness and respect and then trust God to do what He wills. It is God who draws people to Himself. In that sense, Fay relieves the feeling of responsibility and fear of failure and thereby gives his readers confidence to step out and share.
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